Writefull word
Writefull word


Writefull also offers spoken pronunciations for a wide selection of words and can translate a number of different languages into English.

writefull word

You can similarly select gaps in text and see what words are typically used to fill those spaces. Writefull can take a snippet of text, highlight a specific word in it, and provide you with the most commonly used synonyms in context. Sometimes we have a message we want to convey but we aren't quite pleased with the flow of the language. Writefull also provides users with context for how these phrases are most commonly used. If you're trying to decide between two different sentences or phrases, you can even select both and compare them against each other to determine which is the more popular turn of phrase. You can identify how often the segment of text you've selected is used in popular language, helping to prevent redundant speech. The tools at your disposal are pretty substantive. Writefull links to a variety of different language databases, crowdsourcing common language and literature to help you make sure your writing is more in line with standard notions of right and wrong. Writefull's methodology for helping writers is actually rather clever. That makes it a useful tool for everything from email composition to Word documents to reading comprehension. All you have to do is highlight the text you're concerned about, hit the shortcut, and automatically get the tools you need to evaluate it.

writefull word writefull word


Rather than operating as a full window-based application, Writefull is tied to a keyboard shortcut. The great thing about Writefull is that it can coordinate with whatever program you use to do your writing. Writefull lets you convey your message with confidence and without having to worry about dumbing down your language out of concerns that your grammar or context is incorrect.


With its complicated and sometimes contradictory rules for spelling and grammar, conveying your point in an accurate and professional manner can be a challenge even for the most experienced writers. Overall Opinion: Whether you're a student working on a term paper, a professional writer, or just an individual looking to improve your writing, understanding the ins and outs of the English language is sometimes difficult.

Writefull word